Friday, August 19, 2016

America could never kill the aircraft designer and manufacturer in Japan

America brutally annhilated Japan and the Japanese during World War II. It then tried to perform mastectomy on Japan by writing Japan's constitution, prohibited Japan from becoming a nuclear power, prohibited it from developing and exporting weapons, destroyed aircraft designs created by Japanese aerospace engineers, banned manufacture of aircraft by Japan, and all but brought Japan's aircraft design/manufacturing industrial base to its coffin. But the engineer in Japan lived on [Nihon Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation - NAMC].

One acquisition here, one joint project with an American company there, one licensed manufacturing project here [Mitsubishi H-60], one fully indigenous aircraft there [Kawasaki C-1], one aerostructures and components order here, one next-generation leap there. Step by step Japan kept its aircraft design and manufacturing [and aviation engines] industrial base alive and kicking. And can we say that today Japan has resurged in this sector? Surely. To achieve total global dominance, America tried to chop the limbs of Japanese engineers, but it failed miserably [Kawasaki P-1].

Update [5-Jul-20]: US is anxious about Japan doing its next fighter jet X-2 all by itself. It doesn't want Japan to do research on various advanced technologies, and instead wants Japan to directly buy these advanced technologies from US companies, so that Japan's knowledge of advanced technologies doesn't increase, and so that US gains deep knowledge about capabilities of and innovations in Japan's new jet [for both US' military intelligence purposes and also for copying/espionage, to help US companies], and so that updated/upgrades to this plane can be limited and/or controlled by the US like in the case of F-2, and so that US earns billions by selling its overpriced stuff for this Japanese jet, and so that the US retains the critical 'kill switch' ability to remotely down any of these Japanese fighter planes if the situation for such an action arises. Such a "collaboration" will benefit only/mostly the US.

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