Friday, March 02, 2018

It shouldn't be ruled out - it's possible that climate change, global warming, etc., are concepts created by America's CIA to weaken oil-dependent enemies such as Russia and Iran

I'm myself a science and mathematics guy, but I also see pretty well how America's CIA works behind the scenes in unimaginable ways to influence the minds [and ultimately actions] of the world's people, ultimately to harm America's perennial enemies - Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, etc. So when I say that it's possible that contemporary global concerns such as climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, environmental damage, etc., have been created and fueled by pro-US and anti-world agencies of US [chiefly CIA], it shouldn't be labeled a conspiracy theory and quickly written off. Instead, the possibility should be allowed. The CIA has every reason to make people switch from fossil fuels and petroleum to electricity and other renewable sources of energy - it would severely weaken crude-dependent economies of US adversaries such as Russia and Iran, and increase the relative power and dominance of US. What's not to like here?

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